Below is a summary of part of the Sailing bye-laws of the Welsh Harp Sailing Association.   The WHSA is the governing body for sporting activities on the Welsh Harp.   For the complete by-laws go to the WHSA web site here.


a) All craft shall observe World Sailing/RYA Rules regarding rights of way and the requirements that a boat not racing shall not interfere with a boat that is racing and that any boat shall give all possible help to any person or vessel in danger.

b) Members may sail at any time subject to the following:

Category D Events are listed for information only.
Category C The relevant club has the right to organise starts and decide the course, after which all others, if using the same marks, shall round them in the same direction. See also table below.
Category B No other racing is allowed.
Category A No other craft are allowed on the water until racing is finished. 
Category AZ On occasion an A category may be designated to a zoned area of the lake.



Use of sailboards on the water is subject to the discretion of the race or training officer of the day.

Category C Sailing days

Monday evening Sea Cadets
Tuesday evening WHSC
Wednesday afternoon WHSC/WSC (Incorporated University SC’s)
Wednesday evening WSC
Thursday evening Training for beginners. No racing (other than for training)
Friday evening Sailboards
Saturday morning

Training, sailboards and

WHSC/WSC (Incorporated University SC’s)

Saturday afternoon WHSC
Sunday morning WSC
Sunday afternoon All Clubs & Organisations and Youth Fleet Racing